Basic Criteria
- Are you ages 18 to 80?
- Are you Black/African American or Hispanic?
- Do you have Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and/or elevated LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol?)
- Have you had one of the following:
- Heart attack
- Heart bypass surgery
- Diagnosis of narrowing of the arteries due to plaque buildup (also called coronary atherosclerosis
- Stroke
- Carotid artery surgery (revascularization)
- Diagnosis of narrowing of the carotid artery (stenosis)
- Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
Answers Must Be No
- Do you have uncontrolled high blood pressure?
- Have you had cancer of an organ system (eg breast, liver, lungs, colon, etc.)
- Do you have chronic kidney impairment, chronic liver disease or heart failure?
- Are you pregnant or nursing?
- Have you been in a study in the past 28 days?
- Do you have u
- Do you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse?
- Do you have severe conditions such as:
- Congestive heart failure
- Severe liver disease (like end-stage cirrhosis)
- Renal failure requiring dialysis.
Answers Must Be Yes
- Are you able to read and understand study directions?
- Are you willing to use highly effective contraception?
- Additional criteria will apply
Call 240.252.1893 Compensation up to $1,800 is available for time and travel for qualified patients.
**REMINDER** This is a phone consultation. You will NOT have to come in person.
Schedule Appointment