To qualify for this study, participants must:
Be 55 or older with one or more:
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
- Known familial hypercholesterolemia (either by diagnosis or LDL ≥ 100 mg/dL while on lipid-lowering medication
- Are you 55 years or older with three or more of the following:
- 65 or older for Males
- 70 or older for Females
- Current tobacco use
- High blood pressure
- Kidney disease
- Diabetes
- Family history of premature cardiovascular events (heart attack or coronary bypass surgery in father or brother younger than 55; heart attack or coronary bypass surgery in mother or sister younger than 60)
- Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) score
- ≥300 for anyone
- ≥100 for individuals assigned female at birth < 65 years of age
- High cholesterol
- Not have had a heart attack or stroke
- Not have had coronary or peripheral revascularization in the past 3 months
- Not have received a coronary artery score of 0 in the past 5 years
- Not have had cancer in the past 5 years ( except skin, cervix, or prostate cancer)
- Not have any active infection or major diseases
- Not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- Not have taken any of the following medications for lowering Lp(a):
- Lepodisiran
- Muvalaplin
- Pelacarsen
- Olpasiran
- Zerlasiran
- Obicetrapib
- Be on stable lipid-lowering medications in the past month, if on lipid-lowering medication
- Be on a stable PCSK inhibitor in the past 2 months, if on a PCSK inhibitor
- Be willing to take a highly effective form of birth control
- Additional criteria will apply
Transportation may be available. 240-252-1893. Compensation up to $1,680 is available for time and travel.
**REMINDER** This is a phone consultation. You will NOT have to come in person.
Schedule Appointment